How can you change this?
Why is Sharing the lowest wage so important?
Two fashion competitors-
ABLE and Nisolo have partnered to publish their lowest wages and launch the Lowest Wage Challenge.
The lowest wage protects the most vulnerable workers.
Not the average wage or the labor cost in a garment, but the lowest wage protects the lowest paid, most vulnerable workers (who are predominantly women) and everyone else as well.
Focus on the lowest wage prioritizes honesty over perfection.
The industry has a long way to go. Even the founding competitor brands do not have all tiers of their supply chains at a living wage. Focus on the lowest wage requires the industry and consumers to embrace that you don’t have to be perfect before you can be honest.
Truly ACCOUNTABLE brands.
We are hopeful and we believe in progress over perfection. We're not perfect, but we want to be perfectly transparent.
Our dream is that in 10 years or sooner, publishing wages will be as common as a nutritional facts label on your food.